
In our first code deep dive, we covered the basic concepts of the new ASK SDK for Node.js, like `canHandle`, `handle`, and Response Builder. Be sure to check out the first post in this series. We will use the final code from the last deep dive as the starting point for today’s post on slots and session attributes. Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

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While talking about casinos and gambling, the first thought that comes into our mind is about a slot machine. After the advancement in technological, it is easy to start or integrate slot games online.

AIS Technolabs has Technical Experts that help in building these modern-day slot machines for online gambling. Our team of coders has keen Knowledge about coding and programming required for the business of casinos and gambling.

In-house experts and professional coders at AIS Technolabs have mastery of developing Java slot machine source code and are known to handle complex coding solutions in almost all coding languages. We serve you the best possible solution as per your requirements.

Attain the Wonderful Benefits by
Our JavaScript Slot Machine Code for
Your Online Gambling Site and App

At AIS Technolabs, we offer a fully customizable JavaScript slot machine code as per the demand of our clients. Our esteemed developers provide various instructions needed for gaming system in different programming languages such as C, C++ as well as Java. Moreover, we help our clients to build their JavaScript slot machine and that too at very affordable rates.

We are one of the leading JavaScript slot machine code providers that offer quality products and excellent game varieties for the gaming industry. Our skilled and professional developers are very innovative and creative those who have a complete understanding of online gaming and casino software. Furthermore, the client can hire and choose the best slot machine code developer from us for their gambling sites that develop custom slot machine codes according to their requirements. Our developed code will help our clients with all the essential information for playing safely and full of fun.

Below the several advantages of our JavaScript Slot Machine Code

by Rohit Ramname

As a web developer, nothing is more satisfying that being able to show (and show off) your work to the word. Not only through the images or videos on Twitter, but letting them actually interact with it — especially if you are working on some cool side projects or applying for a position.

And fortunately, now with all the cloud providers, sharing your work is a must and is a basic step on your journey.

In this demo, we will be looking at how to deploy your cool NodeJS app to Heroku. By the end of this demo, we will have a basic Hello World app running on a public domain that can be accessed by anyone.

For this demo, I assume that you have Node installed on your machine. If not, you can download from the Nodejs.org website. The steps are simple and can be found online easily.

You will also need a GitHub account to host our code online. If you don’t have an account, you can create one for free on Github.com. With a free account, you can create unlimited public repositories. We will be using the Git version control system to push our changes to Github

STEP 1: Create that Cool App

Node Js Tutorials

Now let’s create that Cool Node App that you have been thinking about.

Create a folder on your local machine and give it a name (of your choice), say MyCoolApp.

Add a file with the name package.json and paste the below content. This file is basic information of our package. (This can also be created by typing command npm init and accepting all default settings.)

One very important change to notice is this line:

After the deployment, Heroku will run this command to start your application.

Add a file, app.js, and paste the below code. This will be the starting point of our app.

This code is basically opening a port on the local server and serving some HTML.

Please note the most important code block here:

This is extremely important when you want to deploy your application to the cloud. The application server is started on a random port on the cloud. If you hard code a port number, like in all Getting Started guides, and deploy to the cloud, the specific port number may not be available. The application will never start. So it’s better to get the port number assigned by the cloud instance and start the HTTP server.

Save the file and run the below command in the command prompt window (which is open inside the folder):

With this, Node will start the server and show the below message:

Now, if we open http://localhost:3000/ in the browser, we will see this:

Cool! We just created a basic NodeJs app.

STEP 2: Push to GitHub

Now want to upload our code to GitHub. This way, we will be able to edit our code from anywhere and also deploy the committed changes to the cloud instantly.


Let’s create a Repository on GitHub by clicking New Repository.

Give it a name, some description, and click Create repository:

GitHub will create a repository and give you some commands that you can run locally so that you can clone your local folder with your GitHub repository.

In the command prompt, run below commands in this sequence.

  1. Initialize the Git repository at the root level:
Node js windows

2. Add all the files to your local Git (staging). Notice the last dot:

3. Commit your changes to your local Git:

Node.js Slot Machine

4. Link to your GitHub repository. (Please change the URL to point to your repository.)

5. And push your change:

Node.js Slot Machine

You should see messages like below at the command promp.

Now if you open GitHub and refresh the repository, you should be able to see the code.

STEP 3: Deploy to Heroku

Now comes the fun, the reason you have survived all this: deployment.

If you don’t have an account with Heroku, you can open a free one by filling out this simple form. (And here, you don’t need to provided Credit Card information :) )

Once you have your account ready, login with your credentials.


Click New on the top right corner and select “Create new app”.

Give your app a name (This will be included in the public URL for your application) and click Create app.

This step will take you to the dashboard of your app. Open Deploy tab and scroll to the “Deployment method” section.

Select GitHub as the method.

Node Js Express

It will show a “Connect to GitHub” option where we can provide our GitHub repository. If you are doing it for the first time, Heroku will ask permission to access your GitHub account.

Here, you can search for your GitHub repository and click connect:

If it’s able to find and connect to the GitHub repository, the Deployment section will show up where you can select if you want Automatic Deployment (as soon as the changes are pushed to GitHub, Heroku will pick them up and deploy) or Manual Deployment.

Node.js Slot Machine Software

Click Enable Automatic Deploys (because it’s less overhead for demo apps :) ). You can also select the GitHub branch if you need to, but for this demo we will deploy from the master branch.

Now we need to tell Heroku that our app is a NodeJs app. For that, we will need the NodeJs build back.

Open the Settings tab and locate Buildpacks and click “Add buildpack”.

Node Js Update

Select nodejs from the options and click Save changes.

Now, go back to the Deploy tab, and click Deploy Branch at the bottom.

Download Node Js

Heroku will take the code and host it. Open the Activity tab and there you can see the progress:

And that’s it!

Open the settings tab and scroll down to the Domains and certificates section. Here, you can see the URL of your app that was just deployed. Copy and paste that URL in the browser and… Hoooorah!!

We just created our own web application that can be accessed over the internet.


Please go ahead and share with others!

Happy Hosting :)